Whether designing a tablescape, arranging objects on a buffet, displaying collectibles, or staging the various mantels and tabletops in our homes, in essence we are creating our own still life art.
vignette design
Often times called a vignette or a "moment," we are experimenting with form, light and composition, just like an artist would.

Velvet and Linen
Maybe we aren't painting the scene we have created, however we are compelled to photograph our vignettes, forever capturing a still life moment.
vignette design
Whenever I arrange or stage objects, I am experimenting with different forms and how the light plays off the various textures.
For this still life photo, I had about five minutes of the late evening sun to work with.
vignette design
The early morning light was my muse for this photo...
vignette design
...as well as this photo.
vignette design
When creating a tablescape, I'm inspired by the still lifes painted by famous European artists like Gauguin, Monet and Cézanne, as well as the Dutch Masters.
Paulette Tavormina photo
The Dutch call it stilleven, the French call it nature morte, Its stilleben in German and natura morte in Italian. The very definition is "an arrangement of inanimate objects, such as flowers or fruit, in painting or photography."
"Wine and Cheese Still Life"
What Katie Ate
"Still Life With Pomegranates"
Kevin Best photo
"Blood Orange Still Life"
vignette design
"Still Life With Pottery"
vignette design
"Still Life in Italian Cafe"
"Still Life With Flowers"
"Kitchen Island Vignette"
Several years ago, we visited the studio of Paul Cézanne in Aix en Provence. I was fascinated by his collection of inanimate objects at the ready to arrange and paint.
Cézanne's "Still Life With Fruit Basket"
vignette design
Almost all of the art in our home is a still life, like this painting of roses and apples.
I guess I have always been drawn to them!
vignette design
As a blogger and an amateur photographer, the still life form, or vignette is what I am always trying to capture. Maybe I should change my name from "vignette design" to "still life design!"
Do you have a photograph of a still life or vignette from your home?
I would love to do a follow up post on this subject, featuring still lifes from other bloggers or followers. Please feel free to send me your favorite photo. I will link back to you when I post it.
I'm joining Marty for Tabletop Tuesday at A Stroll Thru Life.
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